Created in the year 1871, Summers County is located the U.S. state of West Virginia. It encloses near around 368 sq mi of land. It has total population of 12K and nearly 5K households and 3,700 family units are based in this county. Its county seat is Hinton.
Marvelous presence of different races White, Black, African American, Hispanic, Latino, Pacific Islanders, Asian and many more seems to raise the profile of the study of genealogy in this county in the most significant manner.
Summers County records index is one of the largest online database providers that includes a range of areas concerned with family lineage and other related details. People would find here prolific and productive clues on obituary, burial, Birth and death certificate index, marriage volume number, wedding and divorce decree, adoption records, census data, naturalization, World War I and II information, American War information, immigration data, land assessment and probate data, real estate, last will documents of the testator, civil court case lookup documents, and the likes to execute their extended investigations over the net. One can thus enjoy data search over the net more comfortably and contentedly using this site!