Wyoming County was formed in the year 1850. It was named after from the Delaware Indian word meaning large plains. It covers an area around 502 sq mi making room for more than 10K households and 7K family units. As per the latest census records around 25,000 people reside in this region. Pineville is the county.
The racial make-up of this county is unique designed with massive presence of different and diverse races including White, Black, African American, Hispanic, Latino, Pacific Islanders, Asian and many more.
Tracing family trees, digging out lineal roots, discovering ancestral facts and figures are easily possible with the help of Wyoming County records site. This data archive provides prolific clues on vital aspects like Birth certificate index, marriage data, divorce license, death certificate index, besides public statistics on census details, immigration specifics, adoption data, naturalization details, war and enlistment data, civil case public documents, last will or probate information, property and estate details, details on unclaimed property, land assessment number, marriage volume number, obituary, burial or cemetery notice, World War I and II, American civil war records, and the likes. Therefore to make it competent and satisfactory online information provider, the website has been regularly updated and maintained with proper, authentic and organized data.